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Tsukihime, Arcueid Brunestud, Clear Figure

Tsukihime, Arcueid Brunestud, Clear Figure
10 Aug 2012 06:35:41

I went to CTCon 2012 and bought a couple of "Random" figures.
And when I say random, I mean, no boxes, no lables, no stickers, just pre-opened, never sold, and practically nameless characters from a discount bin. Each figure I bought was $2.00 each.
One of which was this strange clear figure:

Unlike the last figure I posted, this figure took all of three minutes to find out whom she was. Though I didn't recognize her, she's seems to be a semi-well recognize character.

The character's name is Arcueid Brunestud From Tsukihime (月姫 lit. Lunar Princess).
Tsukihime was originaly a Japanese adult dōjin visual novel game created by Type-Moon in 2000.
It was later adapted into an anime series in 2003 called Shingetsutan Tsukihime or Tsukihime: Lunar Legend produced by Geneon and dub/released in the U.S. aswell.

Though I'm not entirely sure, I want to say that this figure was made for the Vishual Novel Game and not the anime only becuase this figure was released 2002 and the anime came out in 2003.

So you can read up on more info on this series on Wikipedia.
From what I read/skimmed, it's a fairly interesting plot for an "adult visual novel" game. The character Arcueid is apparently a vampire princess of some sort who doesn't need to drink blood and can go out in the day. She's one of the main characters and also seems to be a fan favorite as she is so easily recognized.

Her figurine comes from a trading/blind box series called Tsukihime Trading Figure Collection (Part 1) manufactured by a company simply known as Spring.
She one of 8 different figures one could get from the series, and the original price per box was again 500yen.

She's about 4.5" and as you can see by her pictures, is completely clear.
Though again, I can't be 100%, I once again want to fault her clearness and lack of color as a "rare" of her trading figure set. It's not uncommon for blind boxes to have rares and alternate versions of figures, such as a different color pallets, outfits, or being completely gold, silver, or translucent.

So now for some personal review on the figure it's self.

Much like the last figure I spoke about, she feels almost rubbery to the touch, but unlike the last one, she's not quite as flimsy but is still bendable.
She feels very smooth and almost like soft.
Her pose and expression are (I think) based on a pose she has in some official artwork and is an okay/fun pose.

She stays together very well, but her head has an awkward ball-joint, which some people like because you have more rang of head posing- to me personally, it just makes head seem kinda loose and unfitted. But that's a very minor personal complaint.

My big complaint is her base and how she stand on it.
Without her base, her legs come very close to each other- much like how she is pictured in the blue picture above^.
But putting her on the base was very confusing. at first I though her legs needed to be crossed a certain way or something, but really the ONLY way I could get her to stand was to slightly bend her flimsy legs apart onto the pegs of the base.
This doesn't ruin the pose much and the bend wasn't at all as drastic as it appears but I feel like the positioning of the base pegs and the way the feet seem to be molded are rather off. Though hard to see (look at her left foot)- even after getting her on the base, she's already lifting off of it some.

Other than that though, she holds together very well, and doesn't fall apart on her own and I love the folds in her skirt and sweater(?).
It's a little weird though, but funny to- because she's completely clear, you can see the outline and colorless details of her underwear through her skirt.

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