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Chiaki's Opinion!: Nisemonogatari & Kill Me Baby

Chiaki's Opinion!: Nisemonogatari & Kill Me Baby
20 Mar 2012 06:16:36

Hi all!

I've been Platinum busy lately with work and university but I thought I'd take some time off to just ramble on about what I watched last season.

First up we have Nisemonogatari, the sequel to Bakenonogatari. I wasn't quite sure if I was going to watch this as I didn't quite enjoy sitting through all the dialougue of Bakemonogatari. The whole anime is pretty much just conversations between characters.

But if there's anything I learnt from English class was a greater understanding of different film forms and techniques.

I think that the character development is significantly stronger than other anime as there is a lot that can be said about someone simply by listening to their speech. Apart from that there was also a huge dose of ecchi and fanservice to which I wished they did not do. I mean I was looking for a more mature anime but failed to feel that with almost every character teasing me.

I do like how each character is just as likeable as the next and well I usually can pick a definate favourite from each anime I watch but with Nisemonogatari I simply cannot separate them. Actually I can separate one, Hitagi. I hate her. I feel so sorry for Araragi.

Why I liked Oshino Shinobu:
If I did have to choose a favourite then it would be her. I don't know why but I just love her voice, which is done by Sakamoto Maaya. I don't really quite know how to explain it but her voice along with that "cocky" but playful personality just makes me melt.

Why I liked Araragi Karen:
I actually did not like her at first but after the bizzare event in episode 8, she brought incest to disturbing levels. Nonetheless I found the most custest (and safest) picture from episode 8 that makes me HHHNNNGGGG.

Why I liked Araragi Tsukihi:
Whenever there are twin sisters in an anime I always prefer the short haired, cute, more dependant sister. It's much more moe that way! Her song Platinum Disco which was the opening for episode 8 onwards I believe is the Renai Circulation equivalent of Bakemonogatari. So cute I could die.

Why I liked Hanekawa Tsubasa:
Almost every anime harem would be incomplete without a walking moe machine. The only problem is that they become almost too perfect. The best way I could describe it would be like Miyuki from Lucky star. A crazy moe character that just seems to be a background character. But still eye candy now and again doesn't hurt.

Why I liked Hachikuji Mayoi:
A 5th grader loli who in this anime isn't afraid to flash her panties at Araragi. Any scene between these two in the anime is exactly what I wish I could do to an anime loli. Except normal humans have a concience telling them not to. Araragi only allows us to experience what all otaku guys wish they could do. Go crazy.

Why I liked Kanbaru Suruga:
"She's an admitted lesbian, fujoshi, lolicon and masochist." I must say that she is one crazy character. I'm impressed Araragi has the power to resist the amount of sexual advances she makes on him. It's funny how he snaps at the chance to grope Hachikuji but is so strong willed around her.

Why I liked Sengoku Nadeko:
Apart from her fanservice scene involving her trying to seduce Araragi her part in the anime was very minor and well never appeared after that. Still she was my favourite in Bakemonogatari for her song Renai Circulation.

Why I liked Kaiki Deishu:
This character has such a strong presence because of his apperance as well as the chilling music that is played on which ever seens he is in. The great this is, is that there are some humorous parts that really makes him a likable character.

The rest:
Anyone I didn't write about except Araragi are characters I did not like. Senjougahara literally gives me goosebumbs each time she threatens Araragi and I can never feel comfortable when watching her scenes. Kagenui Yozoru is just a support character and nothing much. "Ononoki Yotsugi is also another emotionless character that is nothing new and quite frankly really boring" I said with a posed look.

I did enjoy Nisemonogatari more than Bakemonogatari and because of that I am eagerly anticipating the next release. My score 9/10 (pretty dame good.. minus 1 for too much fanservice and the fact that almost every female character cut their hair short. What is up with that!?!?!)


If there's anything I love about anime are the 4-koma, schoolgirl comedies. Kill Me baby was definately going to be on my watch list and it did not dissapoint me. I had to watch this in between the dark themes of Nisemonogatari to lighten the mood. I mean it's as random as spongebob and really makes me laugh out loud for real. (I really do believe lol has lost its real meaning)

For 2 main characters and a one to two support characters at a time, this anime is so simple but I believe that is what makes it so enjoyable. It's like going through the funny moments you had with your friends at school on tape.

However this anime could have been named "The adventures of Oribe Yasuna" and you'd believe it to be true. Everything that is funny is a direct result of her and she is the life of the anime. Sonya may seem like the level headed counter weight to Yasuna but seems to snap everytime under the constant pestering of Yasuna. I find that Goshiki Agiri selling ninjustsu scams are hilarious and always gives me a good laugh.

Nothing really more to say about this anime. I love it and have nothing I want to criticise about it.


I also planned to watch BRS TV this season but didn't have enough time to watch more than half of it.


That's all for today. I may not go into depth of anme but this is because I believe no one actually wants to read that stuff. I seem to concentrate on characters every time because I find it easy to talk about them rather than explain a story. If you did read this and enjoyed it then that's great, I thank you for actually reading any of it!

But until next time take care~!
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