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08 Jan 2010 08:38:19

Today I've brought you more photos from summer Japan. But this time it's not going to be city, nature or temples. Today we have girls :D In fact Russian girls wearing Japanese kimonos. They aren't models (sorry!) - they are my friends actually, and exterior is very simple, but these are the only photos I managed to take during this kimono-event.

Let's move gradually and start with dummies. These are modern Japanese winter kimonos. It means they are solid, expensive and difficult to wear. Moreover it's impossible to put it on without the help of other person.

This pile is how kimono does look before you are going to wear it:

You can see bustle sash, sash cord and other parts of kimono.

And this is what the pile above became:

This is my kimono-sensei. It took her 20-25 minutes to fully dress me into kimono.

After I was permitted to move I went around in order to make photos of other girls. Here are some:

My roommate. One of the loveliest ladies I've ever met.

My roommate again wearing another kimono. I think, this one suits her much better.

My favorite pic together.

Unusual color, huh?

These are more cheerful colors, but personally I prefer dead ones better.

Our school administrator Mariko-san.


Ok, enough with girls. Now, what do you think is the cutest part of a kimono? No doubt, belt! I managed to get a small collection of belts photos :) Let me show you some:

And here is mine :D


Yap, another thing I wanted to mention is hakama or what is known to be men's kimono.


I'm finishing with a photo of Japanese girls wearing kimonos. I should let you know they are dressed in yukata - summer kimonos, not winter ones. Yukatas are cheaper and much more simple, but still remarkably pretty.


So, how do you like Russian girls wearing kimonos?
Do this traditional Japanese costume suit them?
Who is sweeter - Russian or Japanese girls?
I guess Japanese, kimono is their ceremonial clothes after all.
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