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Figure News: Mikatan shows off the now-shipping Figma King Kazma

Figure News: Mikatan shows off the now-shipping Figma King Kazma
28 Oct 2010 18:53:46

Just a heads-up, please read this if you haven't already.

Last year's movie Summer Wars is doing surprisingly well for an anime movie - not only has it received critical acclaim across the globe, but it's actually getting a theatrical release in many English-speaking territories - virtually unheard of for an anime movie that isn't Pokémon-related or Studio Ghibli. Anyway, the SW hype-train continues to chug along with the release of Figma King Kazma!

Dat wascally wabbit...

King Kazma is the avatar of skilled recluse Kazuma Izekawa within the virtual world of Oz. His fight scenes in the film were extremely dynamic, with rapid punches and fluid flying kicks everywhere. Likewise, the Figma doesn't skimp on the articulation, so you can fully recreate these scenes, or have him duel other figures!

The catch, though, is that they had to use bigger, more durable knee joints that also happen to be more noticeable.

They also include an angrier face - although, truth be told, I'd have preferred his SSJ hair from the film's climax.

"Enough with the furry fanart already!"

There's also a rather goofy accessory...

A challenger appears?

...Kari-Kenji! This goofy temporary avatar of main character Kenji is included as a Nendoroid Petit, with a jointed neck and tail.

"What. Problem?"

The final accessory is the Shinohara banner - while Kazma never actually held this in the movie, it does allow you to recreate the poster.

Kazma is also a fair bit taller than most Figmas.

Maybe it's a metaphor for the influx of non-schoolgirl Figmas as of late?

King Kazma is now shipping. Is anyone else excited for him to arrive? I know my body is ready.
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