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Figure News: Petit Pretty attempts to break into the posable fray with new licenses

Figure News: Petit Pretty attempts to break into the posable fray with new licenses
28 Nov 2010 03:20:36

EVOLUTION's Petit Pretty line never really kicked off in the way that Figmas, Revoltechs, and Figuarts have. It's a bit of a shame, because they're pretty high-quality, with a lot of accessories. But their odd scale has prevented them from leaving much of an impact, as well as their license catalog that makes Figuarts look diverse in comparison (Ojamajo Doremi. That's it.). So they're attempting to rectify this last issue by pursuing new licenses - they recently announced that characters from the currently-popular Shinryaku! Squid Girl would be joining the license, as well as releasing multiple figures from Marie and Gali.

What's that, you may ask? Marie and Gali is a show that was produced last year by Toei Animation (yes, THAT Toei) for the NHK's educational division. It's a comedy about a gothic-lolita girl named Marika and her misadventures in the unusual town of Galibahara, populated by many famous scientists (Edison, Newton, and the second main character, Galileo Galilei). It's been pretty well-received for being educational (about physics and scientific properties) in a comedic manner, without coming across as preachy; and its unique art style combined with its bite-size nature (it's easy to just watch one five-minute episode a day) leads to a surprisingly addictive combination. Hell, I may as well just link you to the first episode, it's worth a watch.

Anyway, the Petit Pretty series released a figure of Marika earlier in the fall, and they've decided to round out the main characters by making her kohai introduced later on, Norika!

Petit Pretty Series No. 6 - Norika

Oh, she may look cute, but wait 'til she sends the bear into King-Kong-mode.

Norika, the girl who absolutely detests science for reasons unknown, includes the usual large number of accessories. In addition to four alternate sets of hands, a stand, the infamous bear, and both open and closed umbrellas, there's five alternate faces with a wide number of expressions - everything from awe to irritation to sadness. But the best accessory IMO is the bonus freebie included with the first run of the figure - Galileo himself!

Yup, this is the discoverer of the heliocentric theory.

Galileo may only have one point of articulation (a swivel in the neck), but given that he was probably one of the least likely characters to get a figure I could possibly think of, beggars can't be choosers. Anyway, Norika with the first-run Galileo ships out in January.

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