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Figure News: Figma Kurisu Makise up for preorder

Figure News: Figma Kurisu Makise up for preorder
15 Feb 2011 01:04:43

Well, well, well. It seems that I got so swept up in the Tamashii Features announcements that I missed a new Figma preorder! Fear not, for Kurisu Makise is here!


Kurisu here comes from the sleeper-hit VN STEINS;GATE, about several high-schoolers and their modified microwave that can receive text messages from the past. It's better than it sounds.

"Behold! In my hand, I have a vial of T-Virus!"

She also includes many accessories that showed up in the VN (which is due to receive an anime adaptation in the near future). The first of these would be her Cyalume Saber, but the second is probably more interesting.

Is that...?

In what may be the first instance of Figma product-placement, Kurisu includes what appears to be a bottle of Dr. Pepper. Of course, they'll probably change the label so it merely resembles Dr. Pepper, but this is still a rather amusing accessory choice. She also includes Gunbuster-pose-arms and two extra faces for tsundere-ing.

"Do you mind? I'm texting my microwave. In the future."

Figma Kurisu will be shipping in June, to be arriving as the anime's airing. Also, while it's only tangentially Japan-related, some folks here might find this interesting:

It seems that Art Asylum is producing a Minimate series based on the eagerly-anticipated Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (which comes out later this week). It's been leaked that they do plan on making the entire playable roster, so these will be the first posable figures for more than a few characters (Okami's Amaterasu, the Darkstalkers series' Felicia and Hsien-Ko, Mega Man Legends' Tron Bonne, Ghosts 'n Goblins' Sir Arthur, and Marvel's Shuma-Gorath and Dormammu, among others).

Anyway, is anyone here interested in Figma Kurisu Makise, or the MvC3 Minimates? Sound off below!

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