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Katsucon 17 Part 2: Cosplay

Katsucon 17 Part 2: Cosplay
24 Feb 2011 00:54:07

Now for the second part of my Katsucon report: the cosplay pictures.

After a lack of interesting the previous year (I think that can be blamed on the blizzard that hit the Washington D. C. area days before the convention), there was plenty of photo ops this year, be it classic anime, newer titles, or stuff that isn't even anime.

One of the more legendary girl watchers in anime, Kintaro Oe from Goldenboy.

The legendary sword of King Arthur (and Saber from Fate/Stay Night) if he was personified (and really annoying to most people in that show's universe). Excalibur from Soul Eater.

Italian brothers combine with Italian brothers, with Italy Romano from Hetalia as Luigi from Super Mario Bros.

For me, there's two recent anime titles that I was expecting to be cosplayed at this convention (with both titles actually having some cosplay). The first one is Puella Magi Madoka Magica, which has some cosplay representation via someone dressed as Mami, a protective mahou shoujo who episode 3

(or at least be made into a pinata)

Going back to a time before most people who visit the site were even born, this is the legendary space hero Cobra.

The other recent show that I was expecting some cosplay representation: Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt, with it being represented here by a couple dressed as Panty and Brief.

Mimi from a title that was a "gateway" title to a number of anime fans, Digimon.

Danbooru, the cardboard box robot from the manga Yotsubato!.

A gunslinger of the cute female variety. Rushuna from Grenadier.

A Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt cosplay group, with some of the cosplayers, if I heard right at the convention, consisting of members of the William and Mary Anime Society, a group that is known for their hilarious masquerade skits (including a number of skits from past Katsucons).

Joey from Yu-Gi-Oh being forced to confront his worst nightmare: BEING A FURRY!!!
Yep, I enjoy the nuttiness that is Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged.

An Angry Bird from the video top-selling iPod/iPhone video game.

Finally, someone has done some Hidamari Sketch cosplay, in this case Yuno and Sae, at an anime convention that I attend (with me being able to spot it).

The Rice Krispies' Trio. Now to warn them about the Keebler Elves' plan to have Judd Hirsch develop bombs for them in hopes of killing Snap.

One of the better atagonist mecha pilots in any Gundam universe (second only to Char IMO), Master Asia from G Gundam.
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