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This is what happens when I go out...

This is what happens when I go out...
30 Jul 2011 01:01:13

Early this week I went to one of the nearby malls not expecting to find much but I ended up leaving with all this stuff...

The majority of this stuff was from the store "Gorilla Games" witch specialize in used games particularly older ones. They had a top loading NES witch was only $50 I ended up getting it. It works great!

The other two games are Blasto a game I remember wanting as a kid but my mom wouldn't let me get it. Blasto is an OK game It's sort of a combination of tomb raider and Super Mario 64 that doesn't quite work. The main problem is that the controls are very clunky making it hard to do anything.

The other game is Rollcage an over the top fast paced racing game where you can drive on the walls and even upside down. I totally suck at this game It's way to fast and I end up going out of control and flying though the air all the time. This is the first racing game I've felt the warning that you are going the wrong way was not only helpful but essential to finishing a race. It features music by Fatboy Slim and comes with a cd of the music. It's a fun game in a masochistic type of way.

The CD's are Moby's Play album witch you've probably herd some of the music before even if you've never herd of it (all of the songs from this album have been used in commercials, movies and tv shows) for whatever reason I didn't already own it. The other is Beats International's album Let Them Eat Bingo witch is from a group the Fatboy Slim was in before he became Fatboy Slim.

The Duke nukem I actually got from the Toy's R Us from across the street. He is an OK figure his head sculpt looks much better in person then in photographs. My main complaint are his arms what you see in the packaging is about as close as they come to the sides of his body and the joints are very strange he has some sort of "second elbow" joint under his shoulders that helps with posing but looks very unnatural. (I'll take some pictures of him eventually)

I'm really happy I finally have a working NES again. Now all I need is a working SNES. T_T
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