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Super Sonico Winter Ver. / First post of the new year

Super Sonico Winter Ver. / First post of the new year
05 Jan 2015 07:13:03

January of last year I made a blog post were I said that I was going to try and write more in 2014. As you can see I failed, that was my only post of 2014. I shall once again try and post more blogs this new year.

The major trend of my figure buying habits of 2014 was prize figures. Sure their quality isn't as nice as proper completed models, but it's just so much more satisfying getting a figure for so cheap that has a size and quality that is surprisingly comparable to a pricier figure. Taito in particular made some really nice Sonico related figures, with the quality improving with each one. It's a shame they don't yet have any planed for this year.

And here is the newest of them, the one that is in the blog title, Winter Sonico! Her pose is cute and her face has such a sweet smile! Her Quality is excellent with her hair having a nice even pink color to it. (some Sonico prize figures have too much white highlights) The stars on her bikini top are a metallic color that really pops.

And here she is with the accompanying winter Pochaco. The two of them look so adorable together!

Also recently I got Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus. It is really nice to see a Senran Kagura game get an american release (and a physical release to boot!) This one is a fun Dynasty Warriors styled hack and slash game. The highlight of the game is the characters, their stories, personalities and their interactions with each other. (yes I'm essentially recommending porn for the story) The game has a lot of customizable options as well as a ton of story content, and don't forget the boobs!

And here are some more screenshots

Thats all I have to say at the moment, hopefully I will post more in 2015!
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