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April figure loot

April figure loot
08 May 2016 03:58:05

Hello! Since my last post I've been experimenting with photographing in low light and the results have been nice.

It works really great in some situations, however I'm not sure if it's the best for more "normal" type photos. (like the ones in this post)

On to the main topic. I recently received my April figure order, which included...
- Racing Miku Thailand Ver.
- S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Ghost Ore Damashii
- Frame Arms Girl Frame Architect
- Crazy Noisy Bizarre Town CD single

First up is the main item this order, Racing Miku. I'm a big fan of these sexy tanned Mikus and this one doesn't disappoint. As expected from a goodsmile related company the sculpt and paint is nearly flawless. My only complaint with this figure (other then I wish she had darker skin) is that she is a bit expensive for her size, but I'm satisfied with her.

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Next up is Kamen Rider Ghost. I haven't been watching his show so I was surprised how much I liked this figure. Bandai did a great job translating his design into a figure. Since this is the first release of the figure he includes his ghost sidekick Yurusen. He is a great addition, with his cyclops eye done with a really nice doll eye type effect. Another one of the highlights is his weapon, it can actually transform from it's sword mode to it's gum mode.

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And finally is the Frame Arms Girl kit Architect. This is my third of these kits and its nice to see the quality and engineering is improving with each new kit. This one replaces some of the ball joints with figma / revoltech styled joints. Architect feels like the best bang for your buck so far, with her having a good amount of interchangeable parts.

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Thats all for now. I'm going to do my best to make a post for every figure order I get, from now on.
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Racing Miku Thailand Ver.
Racing Miku Thailand Ver.
Frame Arms Girl Frame Architect
Frame Arms Girl Frame Architect
S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Ghost Ore Damashii
S.H. Figuarts Kamen Rider Ghost Ore Damashii
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