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Revoltech Melona

post's avatar: My recent loot!!

My recent loot!!

I was unwell today so I had time for updating my blog! This is my recent loot, I had no space on my desk at the time so I took a picture of the boxes on my bed..sorry about silly bed covers! Ah the excitment of recieving things in the post! I hope this feeling never gets old! First up! My loot...

By megumi_vocaloid | Figures & Dolls | 08 Sep 2011

post's avatar: April Loot.

April Loot.

I got most of the figures i'm getting this month today. I dont feel like writing reviews for them so just enjoy the pics. figma Lum Revoltech Cattleya Revoltech Nowa The collection so far! o_o...

By mu597 | Figures & Dolls | 25 Apr 2010

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