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Holidays are coming :)

Holidays are coming :)
30 Nov 2012

Streets are covered in snow, cats are looking for warmer places to sleep, so they say The End Is Near and that means the winter is coming and bringing the New Year along :)

I am happy to announce the next month: the month of happiness and presents! It will be dedicated to Advent! Every participant of the event got the date when they should open their present and make a post about it. I hope all the presents arrived (or will arrive) in time and everything will be alright =)

O-ho-ho! This time we're going to see 3 Advent-related posts a day!

Special thanks to organizers of the event — Tanya and Lulapa! It would’ve been impossible without your efforts :)

But the news won't end with this :P

Asuna and Kirito

Especially for this day we bring another update — blog post tags!

We'll start with a limited list of tags ("advent" tag included) and will see how it goes. If you'd like to add something to the list PM me and we'll be happy to check your suggestion.

Look at the tag list

To tell the truth the tag feature looks a bit clumsy at the monent and it blends a little with our three categories of posts and the sale banner, but we decided to leave it as it is for now and make some corrections later (maybe even in 2012).

By the way you can as well tag all your old posts (and it will be great if you do so!)

Have a nice day! :)

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