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MyAnimeShelf winter lottery

MyAnimeShelf winter lottery
28 Dec 2009

Finally we've received a bunch of prizes from our mysterious sponsor! Hey-hey!
That means we can start our winter event. Actually it is a lottery. You can read the rules here. I think everything is quite clear, but if you’d like to ask a question or discuss our event, you are welcome to do it here.

I think I can already foretell some questions.

About prizes:
Besides Teni Black Version figurine (the main prize) there would be other smaller prizes (like trading figurines etc) — be sure! We keep the items a secret for now, but their amount will depend on a number of people who will take part in our lottery. In other words, on how active you are.

About terms and tickets:
Ok, it’s obviously not a quick «come-and-get-a-prize» game. You have to wait till the end of the lottery in order to learn — have you won anything or not. Well, we just currently don’t have enough users to make things like, you know, photo-contests.
Ah… anyways it’s free figurines and our rules are pretty simple. I guess every collector is capable of earning at least 1 lottery ticket. Actually you even don’t have to do anything special. Just enjoy our site — as usual — and who knows? Maybe you’re going to be a winner. And if you are a newcomer, don’t be shy. You have plenty of time to settle down here.

And a couple of photos. Huh, I think I’ll return with more pics later. Pardon me, it’s time to clean up a flat before the New Year:)

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