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PlayStation Vita Review Part 2 The Games

PlayStation Vita Review Part 2 The Games
05 Mar 2012 01:25:40

Now on to the games I got 3 games with my Vita Hot Shots Golf, Lumines and Wipeout all three are from some of my favorite series and they don't disappoint.

Everybody's Golf Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational

Hot Shots Golf is a nice fun "pick up and play" golf game. It plays wonderfully and is one of the best in the series. Unfortunately the graphics are a bit unimpressive but the characters are wonderfully designed and some are delightfully moe!

The biggest surprise of this version is the difficulty it starts out easy however I find the last two courses to be absolutely brutal. (and I consider myself farley skilled at this game)

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Lumines Electronic Symphony

Lumines is one of the best puzzle games out there this version is mostly the same, but the blocks are now 3D and there is a new block type that scrambles the colors. You can also play using the touch screen if you want It works the same as the iOS version.

The main highlight of this version is the soundtrack, it features an excellent selection of old and new electronic artists including some of my favorites such as The Pet Shop Boys, LCD Soundsystem, Art Of Noise and even Aphex Twin!

One more screenshot

Wipeout 2048

Graphically Wipeout is the most impressive of these games and is comparable to the PS3 version, I particularly like the smoky exhaust trails from the ships. The game sounds awesome too (especially with headphones) and it plays just as finely tuned as you would expect from a Wipeout game.

Content wise Wipeout is a bit underwhelming it doesn't have quite as many events to complete in the single player mode compared to older games in the series. (I've already completed all of them) And sadly the game lacks the Designers Republic vibe of the previous games.

More screenshots

On a side note bolth Lumines and Wipeout include songs by The Chemical Brothers, Orbital and Underworld!


There are a few free AR games you can download as well (such as this soccer game) sadly most all of them fall under the category of not even being worth free.

Overall I'm quite happy with my PlayStation Vita and games, I think I'll be playing these three for a long time.
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