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Практически аккурат к дню "бесконечности марта" хотя, по ощущениям, всё ещё длится февраль приехала посылочка из далёкой Японии. Как-то так получилось что в этой коробочке оказались одни только мальчишки. Так что, девочки, наливайте кофеё...
review garage kit
Kapushonshik Russia
Edit tags edit entry 205 2848 53 (55) 10
Год походит к концу и нужно срочно похвастаться последними gk-поступлениями! Даже надежды не было что эта посылка морем доберётся к нам ещё до начала 2021. А она - добралась! * спасибо за то замечательным японским друзьяшам Акико и Хироки. Ита...
review lots of pictures loot garage kit
Kapushonshik Russia
Edit tags edit entry 287 3622 80 (80) 19
Пока размышляю ждать ли нормализации почтовых пересылок или объединить и послать всё морем, на складе японского посредника прозябают 4 гаражечки. А из Китая и Европы исправно едут прочие занятные интересности, причём весьма оперативно! Итак.
review garage kit
Kapushonshik Russia
Edit tags edit entry 202 3362 61 (63) 22
Если кто тут следит за нашей группой в VK, тот может помнит как ровно месяц назад в сообществе проскакивало упоминание гаражки HIKARI BIKININJA, замеченной на Yahoo. Кто не в курсе, то вот она сама какая: * ссылка в базу Тогда она стартовал...
review garage kit
Kapushonshik Russia
Edit tags edit entry 212 2304 39 (45) 9
Этот пост висит у меня в черновиках недописаным аж с прошлого года. А раз сейчас, сами знаете какие времена, почему бы не дописать хотя бы его?) тем более поводов со временем меньше не становится. И конечно же, как всегда речь пойдёт о гараж-китах...
review garage kit
Kapushonshik Russia
Edit tags edit entry 334 6143 75 (81) 20
Всем привет. Как же много времени прошло с моего последнего обзора (около 2х лет). Но я вернулась и у меня появилось очень много новых Фигм по любимой франшизе. Обзор именно на фигмы, поэтому не для всех, а ещё тут кривые фоточки Итак поехали, сего...
figures review lots of pictures collection
LILIT Russia
Edit tags edit entry 158 4138 26 (36) 2
До Хеллоуина ещё пара недель, а ко мне с аукциона приехала весьма тематическая гараженька. Как всегда произошло всё внезапно и с большой долей везения. При том что ещё год назад я почти и не тешил себя надеждой когда-то заполучить эту раритетоньку. П...
review loot garage kit
Kapushonshik Russia
Edit tags edit entry 256 3852 44 (52) 19
"Одну ягодку беру, на другую смотрю, третью примечаю, четвертая мерещится." ©Дудочка и Кувшинчик Праздности ради напишу-ка я пост о гаражках которые мне удалось раздобыть в последнее время. На летний Вондерфест мы, увы, не попа...
review loot garage kit
Kapushonshik Russia
Edit tags edit entry 390 4327 87 (89) 17
Думаю, многие из вас знают Мику, а так же её зимнюю версию. Представляю вашему вниманию, свой скромный обзор, если его можно так назвать (●__●), на новую фигурку серии Figma, которая вышла недавно. Это Snow Miku 2012 ver. По ней изначально, был выпу...
figures review new releases video
BaikenAi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 185 2952 14 (22) 14
Я бы хотел кратко изложить (хотя все друзья уверяют меня, что это не кратко, но уверяю это минимум описанный мною), поделиться, истолковать и по возможности максимально близко объяснить со стороны людей не посвящённых в это "таинство" , а п...
review otaku life news
Edit tags edit entry 229 3977 -42 (54) 15
Этот пост посвящен тем, кто в будущем хочет поехать в Японию, я хочу рассказать о моем самом любимом месте - находится в Осаке, парк развлечений Universal Studio Japan! Я постараюсь описать свои чувства и впечатления и вызвать в вас желание тоже поб...
review lots of pictures japanese culture outdoor photos spoilers
mieri Japan
Edit tags edit entry 251 6771 58 (72) 20
The new year came and brought Super lovers second season. Recently I've watched only two series, but the main idea is clear. I'm not going to write about all sweetness of the relationship and how annoying is Haruka, I really can't stand this charac...
anime review
Edit tags edit entry 245 1178 -31 (69) 31
Доброго времени,друзья! Давненько я не добиралась до написания блога...Время,время,время..И немного лени;) Вот пока не спится решила всё таки осилить немного текста и выложить небольшой фотосет одной из законченных работ.Тем более, к моменту её г...
review lots of pictures creative art garage kit
Ksana Russia
Edit tags edit entry 371 5236 96 (124) 24
И вот я добралась до обзора фигурок - Люпен и Джиген из серии DX Figure Break in Style ver. Но сначала немного моей истории (пролистайте, если неинтересно). Люпен в моей коллекции появился ещё в далёком 2009-м году, если не изменяет память (подру...
figures review
Edit tags edit entry 101 2048 33 (35) 6
Приветствую! Не так давно меня упрекнули,что я обленилась,и перестала писать блоги о ГК Ну так вот,тому было несколько обоснованных причин: работа,лень,работа и снова лень Но сегодня,как то само собой на меня снизошло желание,и я даже с раннего...
figures review lots of pictures creative art garage kit
Ksana Russia
Edit tags edit entry 350 4118 83 (85) 38
Hello everyone! I'm sorry I haven't made a post in a while. I thought I'd take a look at my most recent order. This order was originally quite different with the two main items ending up being delayed to this month. So I decided to get the Figma Sats...
figures review lots of pictures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 277 7388 90 (92) 9
Something that has been brought up a lot among me and my fellow Idol fans is... Which of the bigger Idol Anime (IdolM@ster or Love Live) is better? So I thought I'd take the two apart and find out. Starting with characters. Characters IdolM@ster...
anime review lots of pictures
Purin USA
Edit tags edit entry 151 5760 26 (38) 3
Azone 50 Laur-san unboxing. She is my first Azone 50 doll ^^ Arigato!
review dolls
Edit tags edit entry 226 3035 40 (62) 24
Warning this post is NSFW! So view it at your own risk. This figure of panty is one of those figures that I'm tempted to buy, but say "I'll get her if I don't have too much on preorder that month" I didn't get her then, and seeing in han...
figures review adult only lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 262 3847 86 (88) 8
Hello! I've decided to try something new and start doing reviews of Anime, Manga, Figures, anything really! The first Anime I decided to review is Akame Ga Kill since I've read some very mixed reviews. Here's my personal opinion the Anime Akame ga Ki...
anime review
Purin USA
Edit tags edit entry 172 3162 27 (29) 1
The other day I wrote a blog looking at part of my December order from Amiami, which can be found here. Now it's time for part 2 were I look at the two motorcycle themed figures. First up is Figma Racing Miku EV MIRAI Ver. Unlike the other racin...
figures review lots of pictures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 236 5108 65 (71) 1
Earlier this week my AmiAmi order from December arrived. This order included figma Racing Miku 2013 EV MIRAI Ver, S.H.Figuarts Kamen Rider ZO, Super Strap Collection vol.1: Memetaa Frog and Bandai's Stormtrooper model kit. To make these po...
figures review lots of pictures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 171 3910 60 (60) 1
Are you guys ready for Snow Miku 2014? Because I clearly wasn't. I was overwhelmed even though I knew she would be spectacular. But enough rambling, let me show her to you~ So... here's something interesting. Snow Miku '14 arrived in a box i...
figures review lots of pictures
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 190 4326 55 (55) 12
My lovely lolita has finally arrived. I have never bought a figure of a character I don't know before but she was just too cute. This was also my first time buying from AmiAmi and I have to say I'm very satisfied. The box was marked as "Fragi...
figures review lots of pictures loot
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 255 6384 91 (93) 30
The lovely Sheryl Nome I won in the last Field Game has arrived! I also got 3 new mini MyAnimeShelf calendars (which look absolutely lovely, may I say). Sheryl as as gracious as you'd expect. Although this is the infamous 'green haired...
figures review lots of pictures
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 170 4038 46 (48) 15
Hello everyone and happy new year! I'm sorry that I haven't been writing very many blog posts over the past year I will do my best to try and write more this year. The main subject of this post is a review (of sorts) of My new Super Sonico fig...
figures review lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 233 7347 71 (75) 7
My second Christmas gift was from me to me haha . so i got a new yukiko amagi figure ( i have 3 more). This one cost me 28 dll on ebay, it was as an used item but the figure was in a great shape. the only thing was so bad was the box, but im not that...
figures review offtopic lots of pictures collection
pixiefrog Mexico
Edit tags edit entry 118 3869 31 (33) 8
Pfft, I was planning on posting this last week, but I was so busy with school. Now I'm on vacation already, but I've just been so lazy..... The pictures are still bad, and I apologize for that. I really need to get a descent lamp with a white lig...
figures review lots of pictures loot
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 223 6969 56 (56) 17
I'm deeply sorry about the crappy lightning in the pictures. It was dark and stormy outside, so I couldn't get any sunlight in, and the lighting in my house is always very orange since it has wooden floor and ceiling. I had to fix the colors for all...
figures review lots of pictures loot
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 226 6008 68 (70) 24
Всем всем всем привет! Сегодня я хотела поделиться с вами своей радостью! В среду мне пришла долгожданная посылочка!!! Прошло практически четыре месяца ожидания! И проходили они примерно так: "Гдееее моя девочкаааа?", "Где...
review adult only dolls
Ishtar Russia
Edit tags edit entry 232 2119 49 (57) 29
I've been off of this website for a while and I'm sorry! I have just been really busy with all of the events happening over the summer. My birthday was 6 days ago, so i had to go to 2 parties, my friends party just a day earlier, and then I had to w...
figures review lots of pictures loot
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 196 3943 30 (30) 7
She's here! I'm so happy!!~ Hatsune Miku 2.0 is Nendoroid nr. 300. Just think about it. There are over 300 types of Nendoroids out there right now. That's A LOT!! I've got to say, I'm feeling ecstatic. When I ordered my first figure from H...
figures review lots of pictures
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 66 5093 44 (44) 27
Всех с приятной погодой и теплыми деньками! Эх в прошлом посте говорила,что пока не буду покупать ни одной фигурки до покупки шкафа (витрины) для них...но девичье сердце не выдержало и вот новый лут=)) В преддверии дня рождения моего супруга..он...
figures review lots of pictures loot
Euphemia Russia
Edit tags edit entry 51 2127 14 (24) 18
Now I had recently opened this when I first got it, but I repacked it so I could show up it all! If you can tell I'm not at my house at the moment, I'm at my grandmas, I haven't spent much time with her lately~ Wakana comes with a piano, her ca...
figures review lots of pictures
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 17 1738 11 (11) 8
My Madoka game prize came late last week but I didn't have time to take pictures of it and stuff, but now I do~ :D Hmmm, I wonder who it is.. *drum roll* IT'S HOMUHOMU! And now Gumi has a new friend ^__^ She's so cute! She still...
figures review lots of pictures loot
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 31 2249 16 (16) 16
I got her yesterday, but is as so busy that I didn't get a chance to be on here. She stands 8 inches tall, is plain beautiful, and even gives us a glimpse of her 'pantsu'~ It's Kirino Kousaka, or my favorite character in the entire world! I like...
figures review
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 17 1156 9 (9) 5
I finally got the chance to tell you all about my new nendoroid. She is a new addition to my family [you can see the rest in the background] Her name is Rin Kagamine, and she has to be the cutest thing on the planet. Rin comes with everything a littl...
figures review
Kirino USA
Edit tags edit entry 17 1407 13 (13) 7
The other day I received my January figure order, which was only Phat's Hibari figure (technically came out months ago) and the single of the second jojo anime theme song (which I didn't take any pictures of) I really love this song, I can't even rem...
anime figures review lots of pictures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 62 2492 23 (23) 6
In advance, I'm sorry for the terrible lighting. These pictures are taken in my bedroom which has one red wall and one orange wall, so the lighting is always rather redish. I tried fixing it but it didn't go so well. A new friend moved in today.
figures review lots of pictures loot
cupcakedreams Iceland
Edit tags edit entry 27 1336 12 (12) 11
СНОВА ЗДРАСТИ!! Вот и пришли ко мне очередные журнальчики с HLJ. Дошли быстро (около двух недель), но там была небольшая задержка с их отправкой. Из за выходных и праздника у HLJ видимо собралось приличное количество заказов на отправку и в ко...
review lots of pictures loot printed matters
Edit tags edit entry 25 2460 10 (10) 61
I'm back with my thoughts of the previous anime season. I didn't review the previous season because I dont think I really watched anything from it. Here are my thoughts on the Fall anime season. Busou Shinki My surprise favorite of the se...
anime review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 57 6022 18 (20) 0
I just received an order of stuff I got on sale from Amiami and thought I'd talk about them a bit. This was an impulse buy that I initially regretted but when I got them in hand I was pleasantly surprised! Out of the two Miyafuji surprised me th...
figures review loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 27 2675 11 (13) 3
We all remember the last time I got a Strike Witches action figure. So I've been scared of getting more of the Figmas, but I was curious when Bandai announced they were making Strike Witches figures. Would they be good? Would the be bad like most of...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 17 5706 12 (12) 1
A while ago I said that I was going to write a blog post about each new figure I received and I failed pretty badly (I haven't wrote about a figure since) But I wanted to make a post on Kurumu because I really Like her. Kurumu is an excellent...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 25 4091 22 (22) 7
Hello everyone! I thought I'd share my thoughts on the shows I watched during the last anime season. While most of these shows aren't finished yet I think I've seen enough to do reviews on them. Shirokuma Cafe This was the show I was looking...
anime review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 17 4433 8 (8) 3
I just found out that there is a new Project Diva game called Miku Flick which is for iphone and ipad and amazingly is available in english! The main deference between this game and the stranded Project Diva is that instead of just pushing buttons...
review video-games
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 13 1668 10 (10) 7
Today I received my last figure from April, Penumbra from ThreeA's Adventure Kartel series and tought I'd make a review of sorts about her. (From now on I want to try and make a post every time a receive a figure or figures, I know I've said this bef...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 13 9246 8 (10) 1
The other day I received my figure order from march (minus the GSC Homu Homu which is coming from HLJ) I thought I'd do some mini reviews on the loot. Figma Mami is the highlight of all of these. Her sculpt and paint are very well done (althou...
figures review lots of pictures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 47 2958 18 (18) 9
Now on to the games I got 3 games with my Vita Hot Shots Golf, Lumines and Wipeout all three are from some of my favorite series and they don't disappoint. Everybody's Golf Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational Hot Shots Golf is a nice fun &qu...
review video-games
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 5 1497 7 (7) 5
The other week I got a PlayStation Vita and I've been meaning to right a review of sorts well here it is. (I'm going to split this into two separate reviews one on the device and one on the games) The Vita itself is a nice device has a similar wei...
review video-games
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 4 1193 8 (10) 5
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