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I haven't seen these photos here yet, so I guess they are new =3 (as for me, I don't like her much >.>)...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 2 1514 18 (18) 21
Hello all! As you can see, I'm doing it slowly, one step at a time, but, yea, I'm recovering as an active Shelf user! I bought my NEW CAMERA in the first days of New Year after a months of consideration, hesitation and some hardcore photo-forums b...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 16 1233 21 (21) 10
...there are a lot of them and they are absolutely cute Nendoroid Madoka (Puella Magi Madoka Magica) Nendoroid Totori (Atelier Totori) Nendoroid Kawashima Minami (Moshidora) Nendoroid Sendo Erika (Fortune Arterial) Nendoroid S...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 4 2579 14 (14) 9
I thought I'd make a post of my wants and must have from Wonderfest as there is quite a bit of stuff I'm interested in. (and hey there might be some things you haven seen yet) First up is my must haves. Strike Witches Nendoroids/ Figmas. Erica...
figures events lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 4 2691 16 (16) 8
Just woke up to see everyone here is already talking about Wonder Festival. All righty then! I leave the photo coverage to Kururu and others and simply make a post showing the figurines that caught my attention. Here we go... MUST GET list: 1)...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 5 1363 17 (17) 25
Just tells a random story...
Edit tags edit entry 0 695 9 (9) 7
Alright, the flood gates are open, and the new images from WF2011 are pouring in! Here's how I'm gonna do this - I'll be uploading images continuously into this post until the flow stops. For now, there'll be no text, just images. In return, I'd like...
Edit tags edit entry 4 3210 24 (24) 14
Well, tonight's the night, folks! Wonder Festival has come to town! But rather than get completely caught up in the hype, we should also remember that there are plenty of cool things that are already out, even this very week. Let's take a look at the...
Edit tags edit entry 0 1891 4 (4) 1
These are a list of online figure shops: AmiAmi – Most of you know this website. A Japanese website specializing in anime figures. They have massive things on sale. But because of its popularity, most popular figures get sold out very quickly (...
Edit tags edit entry 6 1774 3 (3) 4
Спасибо за оценку моих работ!для меня это правдо очень важно! и вообщем это очередное моё "тваренье".....И главное...если вам уже надоело-скажите.я больше не буду... просто в конце каникул внезапно посетило вдохновение...^^"..
Todji Russia
Edit tags edit entry 6 1076 31 (31) 21
Hi guys. Happy Chinese New Year!!! Hope everyone has good luck this following year ^^ So, I recently put my figures back in their box to get out from dust because I don't have time to clean them, etc >_< so what do you guys do about your figu...
Edit tags edit entry 3 841 24 (24) 9
Alright, folks. I hope your bodies are ready, 'cause that very special time that comes twice a year is nearing once more! Wonder Festival Winter 2011 begins on this Sunday, February 6th! While it's likely that leaks will begin tomorrow afternoon (as...
Edit tags edit entry 3 1692 15 (15) 10
Спасибо за положительные отзывы о моей работе!мне было очень приятно их читать! И мне действительно захотелось сделать ещё работы с этими персонажами.Начал я с Лейлы...а точнее продолжил...правдо получилась она очень странной... так сказать отдаю п...
Todji Russia
Edit tags edit entry 5 645 17 (17) 20
So, Mikatan posted some hot pics to make sure they'll announce on wonfest some hot stuff!! ;) 1) painted Hanekawa Tsubasa brom Bakemonogatari 2) unpainted ver. of Hachikuji Mayoi from Bakemonogatari 3) painted ver. of Nendoroid (or n...
Velorn Russia
Edit tags edit entry 1 1587 15 (19) 27
Rumors abound that Figma #100 will be Miku Append. A few weeks ago blurry pictures of the Figma #100 prototype were released to the public, leading to much speculation that this would be Miku Append. Well apparently Mikatan's blog leaks an accidental...
Kajico USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 2928 16 (16) 10
So I finished the two plushies of this sites Mascotts today! I love how they turned out and I especially like Michelle's hair. So now the question is what to do with them ^_^ I would love to send them to the creator of the site.... if she wants...
SnowTigra USA
Edit tags edit entry 0 583 16 (18) 12
The past 48 hours have proven that a lot of people are attempting to count the medals one two and three. With the S.H. Figuarts line only growing in popularity and Kamen Rider OOO proving to be quite the hit, demand for both Figuarts and OOO merchand...
Edit tags edit entry 0 1638 6 (6) 6
Всем привет!я здесь недавно и из-за моего стеснительного характера мне тяжело общаться с людьми...заранее извините!...если что не так... меня заинтересовали персонажи данного проекта и я хотел бы услышать ваше мнение о работе на которую они меня вдо...
Todji Russia
Edit tags edit entry 6 729 28 (28) 38
I finished more plushies!! Got a convention coming up so working on a lot of plushies to be sold. I'll keep posting them here for people to see. But I'm still taking suggestions, if there's any characters you guys want to see me make ^_^...
SnowTigra USA
Edit tags edit entry 0 532 8 (10) 6
If somebody interested in Kurisu Makise: White Coat ver. and Mato & Yomi petits, you can try to pre-order it here: Если кто-то заинтересован в Kurisu Makise: White Coat ver и петитах Mato & Yomi,то их можно заказать тут (пока что предзаказ...
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 4 1105 13 (13) 3
Let's see what's the difference between an original product and fake one =3 GSC has usefull posts about nendo-bootlegs on their website and it helps a lot. Originals marked (red) and bootlegs marked (blue). Фотографии с оригинальными фигурками поме...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 124 5142 38 (38) 61
Well, this isn't really that figure-related, but I know that a lot of people are big Black*Rock Shooter fans 'round these parts. Anyway, some more concept art was revealed in recent magazine scans, including clear looks at two of the new characters.
Edit tags edit entry 0 1489 12 (12) 3
For now on Im going to try to make a blog post every time I receive a new figure even if I don't have too much to say (like today) I'm a figures maniac so this could lead to a lot of posts. Anyway today I received my Aya Kagura Morning Coffee Ver...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 71 2835 17 (17) 2
Well, I finally found some photos of my lovely self from Animatrix! Totally have to share them with you ^^ But first - several pics of the character, since she's not very popular T_T Нарыла еще несколько фото себя любимой на Аниматриксе! Само...
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 1 3915 17 (17) 21
Nendoroid No.100 Mickey Mouse was released today =3 He has only one face, not cool >.> (more pics at Mikatan's blog) Akibahobby posted two detailed photo reviews. Nendoroid Hatsune Miku HMO edition I dunno about you guys, but I...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 28 10001 11 (11) 8
Today I received a rather unexpected mail. It was from, an on-line shop of manga, figures and various anime stuff. The letter said as follows: Dear customer, As always, thank you very much for using Recently we are...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 14 2017 12 (12) 2
My first winter walk with figure ^^ Вчера первый раз за зиму я решила выползти на зимнюю прогулку с фигурками. Просто недавно я увидела удивительно красивое место на берегу реки. Там все-все было в инее, и я подумала, что кое-кто там возможно непло...
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 14 1844 32 (32) 38
Well, Good Smile Company hasn't exactly been winning friends lately. Not only is there the controversy regarding the questionable future of their international sales, but they've developed a knack for biting off a bit more than they can chew - nearly...
Edit tags edit entry 0 4061 11 (13) 5
[This post was updated @ March 28, 2011] Hi hi! My last sale was kind of a success since I sold all of the figures • Shugo Chara Vol 1 (My name is inside, but I scribbled it lightly with marker) $8 USD, FREE shipping in USA, Internationa...
Edit tags edit entry 4 1016 12 (12) 7
Well, there's been quite the cafuffle in the figure-collecting world over the past 48 hours, due to a mysterious newsletter sent out by figure retailer CDJapan. It merely read: "IMPORTANT: Unfortunately, products manufactured by Good Smile Co...
Edit tags edit entry 0 1486 7 (7) 5
Today I received the last of my December orders. Figma Miyafuji and movie Haruhi. I have nothing intersecting to say about Haruhi She is what She is. But I must admit that I really like how Miyafuji came out as a Figma She is much cuter than...
figures review loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 27 1595 16 (16) 8
Finally this moment has come - Nendoroid Miku HMO edition will be released on 31st of January! Let's look inside the box *___* Also HMO Miku comes with face stickers for Rin and Len aaand... "Plus as a bonus you’ll also get a...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 1 1840 13 (13) 13
The first of many pre-orders that I'm expecting from Japan this year has arrived in the mail on Monday afternoon. When it comes to anime companies in 2010, one company that had a good year was Gainax. While part of it definitely can be accredited...
Edit tags edit entry 1 1607 9 (9) 4
Ok, the third part and enough for today New pics of Nendoroid Snow Miku: Play time edition from Akibahobby ^__^ More photos here! And review of Good Smile Cafe with Panty&Stocking with Garterbelt theme *__* (from Akibahobby too)...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 1 1452 18 (18) 16
Не могу же я остаться в стороне) В общем, фотки - правда, не всей комнаты. Она же все-таки не моя, а наша с мужем общая, так что завалить ее всю аниме-стаффом не позволяет совесть (и Димино бурчание). Так что выложу только то, что может показаться ин...
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 3 722 18 (18) 24
Nendoroid Aldra is available for pre-order Release date: late May-2011 Price: 3500Y PSP game ToHeart2 Dungeon Travelers Limited First Edition with Nendoroids Tamaki & Konomi is available for preorder too. Release date: late May-...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 3 1524 10 (10) 0
As much as I (and many people) love Bandai, I must admit that it's a rather tsundere relationship. Their figures are among the best on the market, and they delve into properties other companies tend to overlook (tokusatsu, Digimon, Shonen Jump franch...
Edit tags edit entry 1 2120 11 (11) 3
OMG I'm so happy-happy-happy! I know I've promised to take part in the "otaku rooms" flashmob today, but this will just have to wait because today I finally got the parcel I've been waiting for so desperately *________* Well, long stor...
MrsSkeeter Germany
Edit tags edit entry 32 857 21 (21) 34
Mikatan posted a lot of new pictures of future releases in her blog, let's look at them Nendoroid Makise Kurisu Nendoroid Makise Kurisu: White Coat version Nendoroid Ui Hirasawa more Ui is so cute Nendoroids Tamaki and...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 8 1751 24 (24) 17
Подруга решила избавится от бутлегов, а я их приютила. Страшненькие, но милые...
platina Russia
Edit tags edit entry 15 1037 13 (13) 12
HobbyLink Japan has been known for doing sales quite a lot, but they're usually focusing on less-popular manufacturers like Aoshima. Well, they've began their new sale, the Fabulous Figure Bargain Battle! 75 items are available from 25%-75% off, f...
Edit tags edit entry 3 1847 12 (12) 6
Как-то уже писала о забавных монстриках и зверушках . Сегодня немного на эту же тему. I already wrote about some funny creatures and things here. So today I decided to write about them once again ^^ 1. Проект A Little Stranger 1. A Little St...
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 3 1191 10 (10) 14
Today I received a rather large and mysterious package from Russia. Moe and my HoiHois decided to help me open it. (btw in this first picture you can also see my “massive” gaming setup) The HoiHois cutting it open. After opining it I learne...
offtopic otaku life
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 32 2663 30 (30) 16
Next week begins that time of the month when manufacturers begin shipping their wares in bulk. Until then, though, new products are down to a mere trickle. Anyway, there were still a few new items shipped this week... Ultra-Act Kaiser Belial Manu...
Edit tags edit entry 2 1714 8 (8) 3
So finally some official news New pictures of Nendoroids petit from Fractale anime =3 Nendoroid Aldora from Queen's Blade, now in color x) She looks cute) And three more QB nendoroids! Nendoroid Airi, a ghost maid (I looove maids *_...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 1 1365 12 (12) 19
Well, these reveals look awesome, just a few leaks I suppose... I'm also aware this blog is a bit long, but there is quite a bit of things to show, so make sure to scroll all the way down. To kick things off how about some super action statues...
Viridia USA
Edit tags edit entry 3 1084 12 (14) 15
А во второй Диве одежда все же по симпатичнее...
platina Russia
Edit tags edit entry 14 1352 12 (12) 17
Well, Wonder Festival is creeping closer and closer, but this isn't stopping companies from revealing (or leaking, as the case may be) new products! First up would be the revelation that Max Factory is stretching their Kamen Rider Ryuki Dragon Knight...
Edit tags edit entry 1 2616 10 (10) 7
Mikatan has a new review in her blog - it's about Snow Miku this time =3 The box is big >< Inside the box - Miku and Miku-shaped ice tray *__* A fully-posable Miku 2011 Snow Miku (left) and 2010 Snow Miku (right) The cu...
Impending_Sky Russia
Edit tags edit entry 2 1997 14 (14) 12
Вокалоиды вещь популярная особенно у косплееров и меня радует, что косплей становится разнообразней! Клипы конечно дело хорошее, но по-настоящему, официально гардероб у Мику сформировала игра Project DIVA. Собственно вот: Косплей который все ви...
platina Russia
Edit tags edit entry 34 11962 22 (22) 20
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