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What have we here? It seems that on July 7th of all days, Good Smile Company announced that they're finally gonna re-release the Kaito Nendoroid! "Hell yeah! About time, too!" Since the figure's initial release way back in February...
Edit tags edit entry 3 1890 6 (6) 9
The first and so far only figure to be sold this month from ThreeA is Ankou from the Adventure Kartel series. Ankou Will be sold on on July 12th, 9-00am Hong Kong time as a single figure with a random color (shou...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 485 4 (4) 3
Hey, everyone! You remember how one of the items from the Amiami loot in my last blog was an ULTRA-ACT Ultraman? Well, it turns out that the figure's defective. The waist joint is so floppy, the figure can't even support its own weight. The su...
Edit tags edit entry 15 2321 9 (9) 7
My azunyan nendoroid (witch was the main prize of the spring lottery) arrived today! This post is mostly me having fun taking lots of pictures of her. She also came with a myanimeshelf badge! "Quickly we must remove her from this p...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 12 1417 14 (14) 13
Today I found out Aksys Games was at AX selling Noel, and there are plans to sell her on their website! This is pretty nice for everyone who doesn't know Japanese, or doesn't want to buy the game. I know I'll be checking their site like crazy! Unfort...
Edit tags edit entry 19 3557 4 (4) 12
While randomly browsing the web i stumbled upon this. It's Alice from the Queen's Gate series as a revoltech figure.. A very interesting choice for a character as she hasn't appeared in the anime, but existing none the less. Sadly the picture...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 21 2682 6 (6) 5
Finally, i have a box, sent by EMS from HLJ (again enormous box (~30*30*40 cm)), but i have to visit our EMS office to take thу parcel (coz our couriers work too slow, i haven't got time to sit home & wait them for days((( In the box there are...
Velorn Russia
Edit tags edit entry 26 2036 11 (11) 5
Let me continue with my ex:ride madness. Mu597 suggested to recreate this scene when I’ll be reviewing my ex:ride classical bikes. So, when few days ago Tsumugi and Ritsu figmas arrived safely at my headquarters, I decided to do so. Between phot...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 39 4436 9 (9) 8
Well, it seemed that the mailman missed me today, because there was a pink slip in my mailbox saying that there was a package for me at the post office. Sure enough, I went there, and picked up my May/June Amiami order. "What do you think...
Edit tags edit entry 9 723 7 (7) 14
Here is some news about BRS: E2046 launched a new ORI project for BRS with addition of some creative elements! The huge canon she holds is her symbol. In order to freshen up her look, ORI has designed a motorcycle for her. What do you think ab...
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 1 522 7 (7) 8
... saving my mind from the theory of probabilities. ^_^ After a question from KururuSouchou I've tried to recombine Sebastian & Churuya, So this is what happened. PS Don't kill me for this job))) Sebastian got new hairstyle & really...
Velorn Russia
Edit tags edit entry 25 910 13 (13) 8
Recently, my living room was like this: 1. Trombone - Yamaha YSL-620; 2. Electro Drum Set - Alesis DM5Pro; 3. Synthesizer - Yamaha PSR-550; 4. Piano - Unknown model, "Tyumen" fabric, pretty old; 5. Melodica from deutche music school...
riraito Russia
Edit tags edit entry 7 1171 7 (7) 7
Edit tags edit entry 5 806 14 (14) 12
One thing I'm dead happy about is that Kami-sama let my best friend - Vallefor - live just next to me. That's tons of possibilities. Not only can we have fun, but also help each other. I thoroughly believe that every person better do what he is good...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 30 1192 9 (9) 4
Finally i've got some time to make this post ^_^ some time ago I've received SAL parcel with Hatsune Miku orgel by Sega If someone'll be interested in the sound - i can make a record ;) Today i've received parcel from Glory - the spring lot...
Velorn Russia
Edit tags edit entry 19 1108 9 (9) 14
Today i received a couple of packages of unexpected Purchases. (I also got a new backdrop today Witch i'm trying out in some of the pictures) First is my order from HLJ's second summer sale. Which includes RAH Josuke Higashikata and final form ride D...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 87 3105 10 (12) 4
So, I've done a bit more renovation/repositioning on my light box to see if I can improve my picture quality, and here it is. The added lamp does add to the overall brightness in it...but I'm thinking of doing more modification to...
Eld Canada
Edit tags edit entry 3 585 4 (4) 4
Inspired by DEVO's new album I had some fun taking pictures of Miku with my energy domes! By the way listen to this song from the album while looking at the pictures. Enjoy! :)...
figures lots of pictures
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 9 820 4 (6) 6
Due to some serious problems on Russian post many Japanese packages were severely delayed. But now all this muddle is somehow clears up which resulted in me getting packages sent from HLJ on 27th of January, 31st of March and 28th of April almost sim...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 23 2154 8 (10) 8
This blog will be a bit random. first is an update on my computer troubles. I haven't done anything with my mac yet I might take it to an apple store eventually. the same thing that happened last time to my other laptop happen again but seems to b...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 2644 4 (4) 3
So it's a fact now - I'm changing my ways as a figure collector. I'm slowly drifting away from figmas and PVC figurines. I missed figma Rider preorder and now, when she's out, I'm not running around in circles on Ebay, looking for less-overpriced on...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 33 1159 7 (11) 10
So... the last packages arrived brought me some new stuff. Part of it was shown, part no, so i want to sharemy happiness ^_^ PS I dunno what to write, so I'll be laconic. 1st parcel was containing the Lelouch T-shirt - The same prints on chest (s...
Velorn Russia
Edit tags edit entry 8 1182 9 (9) 23
I got my Ritsu figma today, and as usual I need to take pictures and review her immediately. :) As a figma Ritsu is very nice looking, all of the joints work well with the sculpt and she's painted nicely. Her headband is a little sloppy looking th...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 19 1935 6 (6) 6
Я не знаю практикуется ли здесь продажа фигурок, которые есть на руках у коллекционеров (и надеюсь не нарушаю никаких правил ^^"), но так получилось что хозяйка фигурки Liu Meifeng хочет продать ее. Описание фигурки есть здесь:
Edit tags edit entry 23 574 5 (5) 3
Summertime is almost upon. When it comes to me and my anime fandom, there's a couple of things to perk my interest. First and foremost is convention season (more specifically, the two big anime conventions of the summer when it comes to the United St...
Edit tags edit entry 15 3044 7 (7) 3
Признание что ты стал анемешником и обратного пути уже нет, это когда ты начинаешься капитально тратить деньги на свое хобби. Но вот интересно каждый ли вспомнит что он купил самое первое? В моем случае это лицензионные диски впечатливших меня по Му...
platina Russia
Edit tags edit entry 22 592 12 (14) 20
Once in a lifetime I decided to make a review post straight after my figure arrived^__^ Well, in this case it would be not figure, but figures – Kotobukiya’s 1/8 Shinji & Kaworu from Evangelion. This figure set originally comes from 2007 an...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 45 4939 15 (15) 32
This month will be a relatively quiet month pre-order wise due to the ThreeA Beijing art show that taking place on the 25th! There's going to be a bunch of exclusive figures available there. these two will have a limited online release on June 23...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 2 1344 5 (5) 11
Another figure show happened recently (don't know the name) Here's some stuff that caught my eye. Adorable Harvest plush from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. K-On! I love these maid outfit figures. Macross Frontier Evangelion...
figures events news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 5 1220 4 (4) 6
The first bunch of Macross Frontier Loot has arrived including Alpha & Omega Ranka Lee figurine, 2 art-books and 2 random magnet trading figurines. It was a while since I took pictures of my figurines - well, because there was nothing new. Ran...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 9 902 4 (4) 5
This is a big decision for me – to spend nearly 300 bucks on a figure^__^ I think I go crazy like that once in a year or two. So I had an urge to tell the world that I’m getting this stunning hentai beauty: Rider on a Vespa bike! HENTAI WARNING!
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 10 5139 7 (7) 36
In this post I just want to share with you some photos =) I'm in love XD. Well, just take a look.... First: Second: Third: And the last one: Aren't they gorgeous? ^^ I'm definitely in love.... Almost forgot about...
Vivi Russia
Edit tags edit entry 5 1295 9 (9) 20
I think i'll start doing this every month now. I'll make a list of this month's ThreeA pre-orders with all known information. The main figure this month is the Popbot himself! Popbot is the main robot from the popbot series. Each popbot will i...
figures news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 1 1773 3 (3) 10
Now when new anime season is in full swing, we can come to some conclusions about “must watch” and “drop for sure” titles. I made my choices too and now present you my personal Spring-2010 anime chart. And well… what was meant to be a brief revie...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 26 2086 4 (6) 0
So... Reanimedia released an opening video with russian dub ^_^ We're waiting for an ED xDDD What do you think about this version? UPD - changed video source, also added ED...
Velorn Russia
Edit tags edit entry 2 1411 5 (5) 8
I wanted to see Michelle in something other than blue, so I started this yesterday. ...Then I became lazy and didn't feel like shading the rest or trying to fix the anatomy. xD...
Edit tags edit entry 40 5058 12 (12) 11
Did you know Michelle has a sweet tooth? Oh dear, look at this little cutie! Drawn again by Salvadora (from Russia). I'm very happy to see that Michelle turned out to be quite an attractive character to draw. Look forward to get more pict...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 4 369 9 (9) 10
Stumbled upon these cute paper dolls. Hey, what do you think about it? :) Anybody eager to make something like this for yourself? ^_^ © For many more photos please proceed here.
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 4 1746 6 (6) 3
You can now download portal for free through steam until may 24th. If you've never heard of portal wikipedia describes it as... "Portal is a single-player first-person action/puzzle video game developed by Valve Corporation. The game consists...
video-games news
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 5 2445 4 (4) 6
When I learned that MyAnimeShelf is going to organise lotteries with prizes, I was very excited. I knew it would be me who will have to deal with shipment, etc., but it still sounded like fun cause of dealing with figurines. Well, what I'd never expe...
Glory Russia
Edit tags edit entry 8 557 9 (9) 3
Now when new anime season is in full swing, we can come to some conclusions about “must watch” and “drop for sure” titles. I made my choices too and now present you my personal Spring-2010 anime chart. And well… what was meant to be a brief revie...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 35 1745 9 (9) 3
Hello everyone! It's been a while since I've done a non-Saimoe post. But it's also been a while since I've gotten any new figures. Real Image Yoko was the last new figure I got, until just last week. But before I get into that, a quick personal up...
pluvia33 USA
Edit tags edit entry 29 3046 9 (9) 9
I came across this gem while surfing today, and thought I should share it. Just ridiculously polished. That is all.
Eld Canada
Edit tags edit entry 2 616 4 (4) 5
I got most of the figures i'm getting this month today. I dont feel like writing reviews for them so just enjoy the pics. figma Lum Revoltech Cattleya Revoltech Nowa The collection so fa...
figures lots of pictures loot
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 69 6495 11 (11) 7
A little earlier i was a little disappointed that i didnt get anything interesting in the mail today until these guys arrived! I couldn't help myself and ended up ordering 2 more random squares. This doesn't bother me that much due to the s...
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 6 1069 4 (4) 6
It's been a while since my last post, been a bit busy with work but thought I'd post some of my latest figma acquisitions... The collection has been growing... first off, I got Moe-tan a while back, didn't have a chance to post pics and comment...
Kajico USA
Edit tags edit entry 20 1555 7 (7) 13
So, finally, I'm done with English FAQ for MAS and can make a post (I don’t blog when I’m on some assignment for MAS)! Err…actually, I was through with the FAQ some days ago, but this week I had no chance to blog properly because of work… Anywa...
usagi_joou Russia
Edit tags edit entry 20 37250 16 (16) 9
I got another new figure today a blind boxed ThreeA Square! ThreeA is a toy company run by ashley wood, they almost exclusively make figures based on his art. The square comes from his book World War Robot. A quote taken from the book.
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 20 3041 4 (4) 4
The much-anticipated package from AmiAmi has arrived! And it's ridiculously huge! And the evidence of packaging fail for AmiAmi. More than half of that box was just paper! Nonetheless, Lineage 2 Elf, Velvet (My favourit...
Eld Canada
Edit tags edit entry 4 948 6 (6) 7
My Super action statue Crazy diamond and Nendoroid pullback car Rin came in the mail today so let's look at them. First up is Nendoroid pull back car Rin. This is a fun concept with a neat feature. The car doesn't start rolling until you place...
figures review
mu597 USA
Edit tags edit entry 28 3265 8 (8) 16
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